Took pro-animal position through co-sponsorship of a bill, a vote, signing a letter, or leading on pro-animal issue
Led on multiple legislative and/or regulatory efforts or led on a top priority issue counted in this scorecard
Took anti-animal position on a vote
NVDid not vote due to absence or abstention
NV**Missed floor vote but voted pro-animal position on bill in committee
Member of the Congressional Animal Protection Caucus
(does not affect numerical score)
100+Pro-animal position on 3 scored items in the Senate or 8 scored items in the House
plus extra credit for leading on pro-animal issue(s)
•Delegates from U.S. territories and the District of Columbia cannot vote on bills or
amendments on the House floor unless they are taken in the “Committee of the Whole”
••The top leaders of each party in the House and Senate typically don't co-sponsor
bills and the Speaker of the House doesn’t vote, so they have no numerical scores
#Filled seat during term
##Resigned during term
###Passed away during term
Note: In some cases, legislators must miss votes for unavoidable personal reasons, such as a
death in the family, serious illness, birth of a child or emergency in their state.