Humane World Action Fund, formerly Humane Society Legislative Fund, is managed by a dedicated team of individuals committed to advocating for animals in the legislative and political process. The Action Fund is guided by a board of directors and managed by a dedicated staff in our Washington, D.C., office.


Sara Amundson, President   
Tracie Letterman, Vice President of Federal Affairs   
Jennifer Eskra, Director of Legislative Affairs   
Gillian Lyons, Director of Regulatory Affairs   
Mimi Brody, Director of Federal Affairs   
Brad Pyle, Political Director   
David Balmer, Senior Director of Philanthropy   
Kate Blocher, Director of Digital Communications    
Brianna DelDuca, Regulatory Specialist   
Tiffany Mendoza-Farfan, Senior Legislative Specialist  
Anna Marie Malloy, Senior Legislative Specialist   
Weldon Cousins, Senior Legislative Specialist  
Amanda Coker, Senior Political Affairs Specialist   
Lauren Guzowski, Political Affairs Specialist  
Paul Lee, Senior Federal Affairs Coordinator


Board of Directors


David Robb, Chair of the Board
C. Thomas McMillen, Vice Chair of the Board
Kitty Block, Chief Executive Officer
Sara Amundson, President
Hank Hall, Chief Financial Officer
Angela Ciccolo, Chief Legal Officer and General Counsel
Alison Corcoran, Chief Development and Marketing Officer
Erin Frackleton, Chief Operating Officer
Nicole Paquette, Chief Program and Policy Officer
Jeff Flocken, Chief International Officer
Stephanie Briggs, Acting Chief People Officer
Johanie V. Parra, Secretary


David Robb, Chair of the Board
C. Thomas McMillen, Vice Chair of the Board
Cathy Kangas
Charles A. Laue
Eileen Milzcik
Thomas J Sabatino, Jr.
Laurisa Schutt
Sarah Trott de Seve 
Zachery Brez