Digital Communications Director

Kate Blocher

Kate Blocher is the  Digital Communications Director for Humane World Action Fund, formerly Humane Society Legislative Fund, and has over a decade of experience working in digital communications with nonprofits, focusing specifically on fundraising and advocacy. 

Kate joined the Action Fund's affiliate, Humane World for Animals (formerly Humane Society of the United States) in 2014 where she managed the digital work for The Fund for Animals and transitioned to the Action Fund in 2015. As the Digital Communications Director, she oversees all the digital program activities focusing on fundraising and furthering the Action Fund’s political and legislative agenda, which includes managing the email and SMS program, website, blog, and social media channels. 

Prior to working at Humane World and the Action Fund she worked for Families USA, a national health care advocacy organization, where she worked on their digital team, which played a major role in both the passage and implementation of the Affordable Care Act. 

Kate has her undergrad degree from Washington and Lee University and a Masters of Media and Public Affairs from George Washington University.