
Sara Amundson

Sara Amundson is the President of Humane World Action Fund, formerly Humane Society Legislative Fund, the 501(c)4 legislative and political organization affiliated with Humane World for Animals, formerly the Humane Society of the United States. In this capacity, she manages political and legislative activity for the Action Fund. She has testified before the U.S. Congress and in various state legislatures on a variety of animal protection legislation.

Amundson has negotiated with the chemical industry to require the addition of a bittering agent in antifreeze nationwide, secure a $4 million appropriation for the research and development of alternatives to animal tests and further 21st century toxicology. She’s managed election activity for the the Action Fund, including candidate meetings, endorsements, independent expenditures and voter guides. She also serves as the treasurer of the federal, affiliated PAC. She has been a featured speaker at the University of Virginia Law School, Lewis and Clark Law School and Harvard Law School and has appeared on CNN, ABC News, Fox News and in print for major U.S. newspapers.

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