WASHINGTON (July 31, 2024)—The Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society Legislative Fund are deeply disturbed by video footage that appears to show a Bureau of Land Management contractor kicking a wild horse in the face during a roundup operation on the Blue Wing Complex in Nevada. This willful act of cruelty is unacceptable, and we call upon the BLM to suspend its contract with this party immediately pending a thorough investigation.

“This type of behavior not only goes against the core beliefs of Americans and it is a clear violation of the Comprehensive Animal Welfare Program,” said Stephanie Boyles Griffin, senior program director for wildlife protection at the HSUS. “This protocol was established to ensure the protection of horses during dangerous roundup operations, and it is clear from the footage that it isn’t being followed.”

The Humane Society of the United States and the Humane Society Legislative Fund prioritize the protection and well-being of the nation’s wild horses and burros, and we have strong and ongoing policy and practical commitments to the humane management of horse and burro herds on America’s Western ranges.

Our organizations are reaching out to the Bureau of Land Management to request an immediate investigation of the incident and suspension of all operations conducted by this contractor until that concludes.

Media Contacts:
Emily Snow Ehrhorn, 202-779-1814, eehrhorn@humanesociety.org