Vote "Yesh!" on Prop 2

If you open your daily newspaper this coming week, chances are you will be greeted with a message of compassion for farm animals. That’s because Patrick McDonnell, the creator of the comic strip MUTTS, has dedicated a full week beginning this Sunday to the theme of protecting farm animals from cruelty.

The Ballot Measure That's Fit to Endorse

A few months back, The New York Times columnist Nicholas D. Kristof called California’s Proposition 2 “the most important election this November that you’ve never heard of.” And now, the full editorial board of the newspaper of record is doing its part to make sure as many people as possible do hear about Prop 2. It’s certainly a rare move for a national newspaper to weigh in on a state election occurring on the opposite coast, underscoring the significance of Prop 2 for the entire country.

The Best Medicine on TV

The YES! on Prop 2 campaign launched two new television ads this week in California, showing voters statewide the cruelties of factory farming. The ads are narrated by two California veterinarians—Dr. Kate Hurley, professor at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, and Dr. Jeff Smith, past president of the California Veterinary Medical Association—telling voters that all animals deserve humane treatment, including those raised for food.

In Their Opinion, Prop 2 is a No-Brainer

The Santa Cruz Sentinel today became the latest California newspaper to endorse a vote of YES! on Proposition 2. While some other newspaper editorial writers fell for the scare tactics of Big Agribusiness on Prop 2, plenty of opinion leaders have taken a thoughtful and careful look at the measure and have come down on the side of protecting animals and food safety. I’d like to share with you some of the best excerpts from the editorials that have appeared so far in the campaign.