By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block

Finally, 23 chimpanzees who are owned by the U.S. government and who were previously used in painful biomedical experiments will soon be moved to Chimp Haven sanctuary where they belong, according to an announcement made today by the National Institutes of Health in a New York Times article. After years of advocating for sending these chimps to sanctuary, we are thrilled by this news.

By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block

The flood of inspection reports detailing animal neglect and suffering at puppy mills, wild animal attractions and animal laboratories in the U.S. regulated under the federal Animal Welfare Act continues to be overwhelming. Strengthening the ability of the U.S. Department of Justice to intervene in cases involving welfare violations would do a world of good for animals.

Our annual legislative scorecard is a trusted source for evaluating the animal protection commitments of elected officials at the federal level. This preview version of our 2024 Humane Scorecard allows you to determine where your federal legislators stand now on key animal protection priorities. It also gives you a chance to encourage them to strengthen their support―and their ratings―before the 118th Congress wraps up and we publish the final version in January 2025.

Lawsuit challenges federal failure to protect hippos

By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block

Some threats facing animals can seem so gargantuan as to be just part of the status quo—but we are determined to change the systemic injustices that harm countless animals. In addition to fighting cruel trophy hunting practices that cause egregious suffering for target animals, we’ve been pushing for reform that could save the lives of countless animals killed accidentally because of the use of lead ammunition.