Our final 2024 Humane Scorecard is available, with a look at where federal legislators stood on our core priorities for the second session of the 118th Congress. The scorecard tracks animal-friendly actions by lawmakers while creating greater awareness and increasing legislators’ support for our priorities.
By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block
We have a new name—Humane World Action Fund—and an ambitious agenda, grounded in the mission we’ve pursued for several decades: to deliver positive and permanent policy outcomes for animals. We are as committed as ever to bringing laws into greater alignment with humane values—the values of kindness, compassion and fairness to all creatures. These are values we share with tens of millions of people not simply within the United States but throughout the world.
By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block
Every day of every year, we take meaningful action to create a better world for animals. In the U.S., our State Affairs team works across the country to help protect animals in a variety of ways. One of the most important involves partnering with elected officials, law enforcement agencies, individual advocates and other parties to ensure that animal welfare legislation is put into place and then properly enforced.
By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block
In 1975, when she was just a year old, a chimpanzee later named Montessa was sold to a New Mexico laboratory owned by the U.S. government.
Unbelievably, nearly 50 years later, Montessa is still locked in the same laboratory.
By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block
The flood of inspection reports detailing animal neglect and suffering at puppy mills, wild animal attractions and animal laboratories in the U.S. regulated under the federal Animal Welfare Act continues to be overwhelming. Strengthening the ability of the U.S. Department of Justice to intervene in cases involving welfare violations would do a world of good for animals.
Our annual legislative scorecard is a trusted source for evaluating the animal protection commitments of elected officials at the federal level. This preview version of our 2024 Humane Scorecard allows you to determine where your federal legislators stand now on key animal protection priorities. It also gives you a chance to encourage them to strengthen their support―and their ratings―before the 118th Congress wraps up and we publish the final version in January 2025.
By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block
In so many respects, scientific and technological innovation has defined this era—so it is nothing less than absurd that taxpayer dollars still fund animal experiments when non-animal approaches that could yield far better results for human health exist. That’s why we push to take the suffering out of science by, among other things, advocating for changes in how taxpayer funding is spent.