By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block

The Farm Bill, a legislative package the U.S. Congress approves every five years or so to govern agricultural and food programs, has the potential to instill animal welfare and sustainability into food practices for years to come. Instead, the 2024 Farm Bill just approved in the House Agriculture Committee would undo so much progress made for animal welfare, threaten public health and create a nightmare for countless animals.

The Indiana Humane Scorecard is available for the first time this year, offering a new resource for Indiana voters whose compassion for animals influences which political candidates they support. Holding legislators accountable on animal-welfare issues is critical as we strive to make our voices louder than those who hurt animals for sport or profit.

By uniting behind candidates who understand what is at stake, we can better fight animal cruelty in all forms.

Indiana's 2024 Legislative Session failed dogs and wildlife

Indiana's 2024 Legislative Session failed dogs and wildlife

INDIANAPOLIS,  Ind. (May 14, 2024) – Today, the Humane Society Legislative Fund released its 2024 Indiana Humane Scorecard, which grades state legislators’ actions on threats to animal protection during the 2024 session, when legislation imperiling Indiana’s wildlife and companion animals was passed and later signed into law. The 2024 Indiana Humane Scorecard serves as a tool to commend those who stood firmly against these inhumane bills while also holding legislators who failed to protect animals accountable.

New CDC regulation will disrupt international animal rescue efforts and families returning to the US with pets

New CDC regulation will disrupt international animal rescue efforts and families returning to the US with pets

WASHINGTON (May 8, 2024)—Today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced a final rule that places restrictions on dogs brought into the United States from countries deemed by the CDC as low-risk or rabies-free countries in addition to high-risk rabies countries, making it harder for international rescue efforts to save vulnerable dogs and for families to travel back to the U.S. with their pets.

HSLF rejects Kristi Noem’s cynical account of killing her family dog

HSLF rejects Kristi Noem’s cynical account of killing her family dog

WASHINGTON (April 29, 2024)—South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem continues to dismiss accusations of cruelty in the wake of The Guardian’s report that her upcoming memoir includes passages telling how she ended the lives of her family’s 14-month-old puppy and a goat on their farm. Humane Society Legislative Fund president Sara Amundson responded to Governor Noem’s comments with the following statement:

Report of Governor Noem’s animal cruelty unsettling