Today, I’m pleased to share our Humane Scorecard for the second session of the 117th Congress, a strong reflection of the success of our animal protection agenda in 2022. The scorecard tracks key co-sponsorships, votes and other animal-friendly actions by federal lawmakers. It’s more than just an accountability tool, however. It creates greater awareness and incentives for further commitment, and we’re heartened that so many legislators work hard to achieve a high score.

Every year, our public policy work for animals produces strong results and tangible benefits for animals, through the passage of laws or the approval of federal agency rules that lead to desired reforms. Still, there is something that really jumps out about 2022, and makes it a year we’ll long remember. We closed out the case on two of the most disturbing animal cruelty issues of the 21st century, the exploitation of big cats for photo ops and as “pets,” and the hacking off of sharks’ fins for use in soup.

More than 200 veterinarians express support for legislation to permanently end the slaughter of American horses

By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block

On the House floor Monday night, the House of Representatives voted 304 to 111 to pass the Prevent All Soring Tactics (PAST) Act into law. With just a few weeks remaining in the 117th Congress, getting a vote in the Senate will take some effort. But with this resounding vote in the House, we’ve witnessed—and helped to deliver—the clearest possible message that Americans are sick of horse soring and want to see it abolished. Now it’s time to get the job all the way done.

Humane groups celebrate pivotal move in Congress to end cruelty of horse soring