Tom Vilsack’s confirmation hearing to be Secretary of Agriculture was today. If he is confirmed by the full Senate, it will mark the official launch of our 2021 animal welfare agenda with the agency he will lead for a second time. But for several months already, we’ve been advancing our priorities concerning the United States Department of Agriculture with President Biden’s transition team and members of Congress.

The Humane Society of the United States and the Humane Society Legislative Fund issue statement responding to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine report on horse soring

The Humane Society of the United States and the Humane Society Legislative Fund issue statement responding to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine report on horse soring

The Humane Society of the United States and the Humane Society Legislative Fund issue statement responding to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine report on horse soring

By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block

With the signing of the omnibus bill this past weekend, U.S. federal law now includes critical protections for horses we have fought hard for over many years. These include measures to stop the widespread drugging of racehorses and provide increased track safety, keep horse slaughter plants in the United States shuttered, and boost funding to stop the cruel soring of Tennessee walking horses and related breeds.

These are historic achievements, and we’re proud to share the details with you.

Years of outcry against horse deaths at racetracks prompts passage of new federal law

It is your support and engagement that makes it possible for the Humane Society Legislative Fund to carry the banner for animals in the U.S. Congress and in state legislatures; secure passage of animal protection statutes at every level; mobilize a healthy grassroots movement to press for good laws, regulations, and enforcement; and do what’s needed to elect humane-minded candidates. That’s why, on behalf of my colleagues, and with the deepest gratitude, I want to assure you that this year—as always—we were at the center of every pro-animal fight there was.