Introducing the Animals & Politics Podcast

I'm pleased to introduce my new Animals & Politics podcast. Click on the player below to listen, or you can click here. I am grateful to my friend Patrick Ferrise for hosting the first podcast. From time to time in this forum, you’ll be hearing from me about proud accomplishments of our elected leaders and regulatory officials on behalf of animals. But today I want to draw your attention to a couple of stories about government’s abject failures.

20 Years of Advances for Animals

This morning I spoke to a group of animal welfare advocates from around the world gathered in Orlando, Fla., for The HSUS’s 20th anniversary Animal Care Expo, the largest trade show for animal care and sheltering professionals. Several leaders in the field looked back over two decades and reported on progress that has been made for animal welfare. I offered some observations on the advances for animal protection legislation over the past 20 years.

Congress Goes to the Dogs

Tomorrow marks the official start of the 112th Congress. So I thought I would share a fun and inspiring video highlighting how one of the new GOP members, incoming freshman Rep. David Schweikert of Arizona's 5th Congressional District, took his dog, Charlie, to work with him in the Maricopa County Treasurer’s Office. Charlie, who was adopted from an animal shelter, was eventually promoted to the rank of “morale officer.”