Humane Society Legislative Fund Announces 2023 New Jersey Legislative Endorsements

Humane Society Legislative Fund Announces 2023 New Jersey Legislative Endorsements

Humane Society Legislative Fund Announces 2023 New Jersey Legislative Endorsements

WASHINGTON (October 10, 2023)—Today, the Humane Society Legislative Fund, the nation’s leading political advocacy organization for animal protection, announced its endorsements for candidates in the 2023 New Jersey state legislative elections.

Humane Society Legislative Fund Announces 2023 New York City Council Endorsements

Humane Society Legislative Fund Announces 2023 New York City Council Endorsements

Humane Society Legislative Fund Announces 2023 New York City Council Endorsements

WASHINGTON (October 10, 2023)—Today, the Humane Society Legislative Fund, the nation’s leading political advocacy organization for animal protection, announced its endorsements for candidates running in the 2023 New York City Council elections.

Humane Society Legislative Fund Announces 2023 Virginia Endorsements

By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block

In the U.S., today is National Voter Registration Day, which is a chance to recognize and celebrate the potential of our collective role and influence as voters. Now more than ever, our nation needs compassionate, courageous legislators to act in support of animals and to defend against the many threats to their welfare. And it also needs engaged voters with a humane instinct—because elections are decided by those who vote.

The 2023 Virginia Humane Scorecard is now available online, and we encourage voters to use it as a tool when they approach the ballot box this year. Holding legislators accountable to humane interests is critical as we strive to make our voices louder than those of the trophy hunters, factory farmers, and puppy mill lobbyists.

By uniting behind candidates who know the stakes for the most vulnerable among us, we can work towards a cruelty-free world.

Humane Society Legislative Fund releases 2023 Virginia Legislative Scorecard

Humane Society Legislative Fund Releases 2023 Endorsements for Chicago City Council

Humane Society Legislative Fund Releases 2023 Endorsements for Chicago City Council

Humane Society Legislative Fund Releases 2023 Endorsements for Chicago City Council

WASHINGTON (February 16, 2023)—Today the Humane Society Legislative Fund, the nation’s leading political advocacy organization for animal protection, announced its endorsements for aldermanic candidates in the 2023 Chicago municipal elections.

Every year, our public policy work for animals produces strong results and tangible benefits for animals, through the passage of laws or the approval of federal agency rules that lead to desired reforms. Still, there is something that really jumps out about 2022, and makes it a year we’ll long remember. We closed out the case on two of the most disturbing animal cruelty issues of the 21st century, the exploitation of big cats for photo ops and as “pets,” and the hacking off of sharks’ fins for use in soup.

As we continue to watch for final election results in several key races across the country, we first want to say thank you. Thank you for voting. Thank you for being concerned citizens weighing candidates’ positions on animal protection issues when you cast your ballot. And thank you for participating in one of the most crucial functions of our democratic republic.

By Brad Pyle

Our supporters are accustomed to hearing from us at HSLF about federal legislation, policy, and elections, but our work—and our impact for animals—extends far beyond Washington, D.C. We keep a close watch on critical local and state legislation and on politics that may have an impact on animals. And every year, HSLF’s team then meets with candidates seeking election to state and local offices, and in many instances HSLF issues endorsements and campaigns on their behalf.