Top 10 State Legislative Victories for Animals

As the year winds down to a close, I’m pleased to report that 159 new animal protection laws have been enacted this year at the state and local levels. That continues the surge in animal protection policymaking by state legislatures, and in total, it makes about 1,200 new policies in the states since 2005, across a broad range of subjects bearing upon the lives of pets, wildlife, animals in research and testing, and farm animals.

With Omnibus Bill, a Big Year of Progress for Animals, Especially in Research

The U.S. House this morning passed the $1.1 trillion spending package for 2016, which includes a number of important provisions to prevent the opening of U.S.-based horse slaughter plants, retain Endangered Species Act provisions for gray wolves, and allow restrictions on the domestic ivory trade to protect elephants from poaching.

Lawmakers Should Support, Not Stymie, Proposed Rule to Stop Elephant Slaughter

It’s hard to reconcile the overwhelming support in this country for protecting elephants from poaching and slaughter for their ivory tusks, with the idea that some politicians in Congress are working to stymie efforts to address the crisis. The Interior appropriations bill passed by the House of Representatives includes a harmful provision that would block any rulemaking by the Obama administration to crack down on the ivory trade.