In too many communities throughout the nation, there are horrific and malicious cases of animal cruelty occurring. A horse neglected and starved to death. A cat and her kittens set on fire. Dogs forced to fight to the death in a pit.
One of 21 dogs The HSUS rescued from a
suspected dog fighting ring in West Virgina.
Larry French/AP Images for The HSUS
In a move that will improve society’s ability to hold offenders accountable and to prevent such cruelty and abuse, this year the Federal Bureau of Investigation will begin collecting data on animal cruelty crimes. The change in reporting signals from the highest levels of government the importance of protecting animals and our communities. We applaud the FBI for addressing the documented connection between animal cruelty and violence to people.
With this decision, cruelty to animals—including abuse, neglect, animal fighting, and bestiality—will now have its own category in the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report so that trends in these illegal activities can be identified and prioritized for intervention. The original announcement took place late in 2014 but this year starts the critical process of local agencies reporting their data for this nationwide collaborative effort.
Just as the FBI tracks hate crimes and other important categories, we will now have much needed critical data on animal cruelty. The Humane Society Legislative Fund, Doris Day Animal League, The Humane Society of the United States, and the National Sheriffs’ Association joined with members of Congress to push for this critical change which was years in the making. Now, no longer will extremely violent criminal acts escape the attention of the FBI simply because the victims were animals.
Before this expansion of the FBI’s focus, there was no process for capturing animal cruelty data on the statewide or national level. It’s been especially difficult because animal cruelty laws are enforced by a very large number of police and sheriffs’ departments, local humane society agents, and animal control officers.
But now that animal cruelty is included in the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report there is a real incentive for law enforcement agencies to pay closer attention to such incidents. With accurate data, law enforcement agencies will also be better able to allocate officers and financial resources to handle these cases, track trends, and deploy accordingly.
Our movement is making progress in the battle against animal cruelty in so many ways. We are fortifying the legal framework for animals and closing gaps in state and federal laws. South Dakota recently became the 50th state to enact felony penalties for malicious cruelty, Utah became the 42nd state to make cockfighting a felony, and Congress banned attendance at animal fights. The HSUS and its partners work with law enforcement on thousands of cases of animal cruelty and we also travel across the country to train law enforcement officials on how to investigate these crimes.
This new development, which has been a goal of the animal protection movement for years, is a practical way of cracking down on cruelty. It is also significant in affirming that animal cruelty is a vice just like so many other violent crimes. It is the latest tangible gain in our effort to make the protection of animals a universal value in our society.
Now, we urge local law enforcement agencies to provide ongoing data to the FBI to ensure we have a robust category in the UCR. The success of this endeavor is directly linked to the numbers of jurisdictions that regularly forward information to the national database, and they and the communities they serve will benefit from it down the road.