Two Different Men, Two Different Districts—Too Bad NRA

We haven’t heard a lot from the fright-mongers of the NRA this election. On the national stage, the stakes are just too high for their kind of shrill scare tactics to attract much interest. Besides, they’re on the wane anyway. Increasingly, Americans recognize the NRA’s radical agenda for what it is—the spent politics of the fringe.

But the NRA is still plugging away. In down-ballot races, its operatives and apologists are still trying to bully the brave. Two legislative races in the swing state of Pennsylvania illustrate the absurd actions of the NRA.

Cast A Humane Vote This Election Day

We are just six days away from what is shaping up to be one of the most historic elections in our lifetime. While voters are weighing the economy and other pressing national concerns, advocates of animal protection also need to know which lawmakers and candidates are standing up for their interests. When you fill out your mail ballot or go to the polls on Tuesday, the Humane Society Legislative Fund wants you to be armed with information on the candidates who are fighting for animal welfare in a very determined way.

Joe Must Go

I led a press conference and spoke to a group of volunteers in Bloomfield Hills, Mich., this morning, announcing that the Humane Society Legislative Fund today launched a new TV ad opposing the reelection of Republican Congressman Joe Knollenberg in Michigan’s 9th District.

Talk Back: Obama Endorsement Draws Big Response

Ever since the Humane Society Legislative Fund announced our endorsement of Barack Obama, our inbox has been full with emails from members on the issue. Many of you appreciated the information about the candidates’ records so you can share it with the animal lovers among your friends and family. Some lifelong Republicans are even crossing party lines for the first time to support the candidate who is better on animal issues.

Humane Society Legislative Fund Endorses Obama-Biden

One of the guiding principles of the Humane Society Legislative Fund is that we evaluate candidates based on a single criterion: where they stand on animal protection policies. We don’t make decisions based on party affiliation, or any other social issue, or even how many pets they have. We care about their views and actions on the major policy debates relating to animal welfare.