Wednesday, January 2, 2008

With the Iowa caucuses tomorrow, and the New Hampshire
primaries next week, I want to provide an overview of the Republican
presidential candidates. I’ve already
commented on Mike Huckabee’s terrible approach to animal cruelty issues and pandering to the sport hunting lobby, and
Ron Paul’s philosophical opposition to even the most modest animal welfare policies in
Congress. Here’s what we know about the
other presidential hopefuls in the party of the elephants:

: As mayor, Giuliani did not have as many opportunities to take a position on animal issues as those who served as governor or a member of Congress, but he did take some proactive measures in America's largest city.  In 2000, he proposed and signed a bill to promote the spaying and neutering of dogs and cats and open an animal shelter in each borough in order to help curb New York's pet overpopulation.  He is the first Republican candidate to
release a public statement on animal issues, which is reproduced here in its
entirety: "Animals play an important part in the lives of many Americans.  We
should all work to reduce animal suffering by advocating for sensible public
policies, investigating animal cruelty and strongly enforcing the laws that are
already on the books. I will continue to support efforts to educate the public
about animal issues, and work with corporations to develop animal-friendly

: In the U.S. House of Representatives, Hunter’s record has been
relatively poor but he’s been a supporter on some issues. He has earned scores ranging from zero to 42
percent on the Humane
over the years, having
backed a few animal protection proposals, including those to stop animal fighting, horse slaughter, and the processing of “downer” livestock. He has been leading the fight to continue the
trophy hunting of deer and elk on Santa Rosa Island, in a
controversial battle over whether the animals will be exterminated from the
island or allowed to remain in a canned hunt—either way a bad outcome for the animals.

John McCain:
In the U.S. Senate, McCain has been a strong supporter of numerous animal
welfare issues, earning scores of up to 75 percent on the Humane
. He has voted for and co-sponsored legislation to stop horse slaughter, and
voted to eliminate a $2 million subsidy for the
mink industry
. He has
co-sponsored bills to stop the interstate shipment of birds for
and to stop the poaching of bears by ending the trade in their gall bladders and
other viscera. He took an anti-animal position by supporting an amendment to the
California Desert Protection Act which would have allowed sport hunting in the Mojave National
. Senator McCain has been a
leader in the effort to stop global warming, and he opposes drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife
, which is home to
many wildlife species.

Mitt Romney:
Romney attracted the ire of animal advocates when they learned that during a 1983 vacation, he put the
family’s Irish setter, Seamus, in a carrier and strapped him to the roof rack of
the station wagon. When the terrified
dog urinated and defecated during the twelve-hour drive, Romney pulled over,
hosed down the dog, and continued the voyage from Boston to Ontario. As chief
executive of the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Romney also came under fire
from animal protection groups for allowing a rodeo exhibition that included calf roping. His term as governor didn't exactly inspire confidence in his judgment on animal issues, either.  He appointed a raft of animal-unfriendly people to the state Fisheries and Wildlife Board.  He did, however, leave the governor's mansion on a high note by signing a bill passed in 2006 to strengthen the Massachusetts
animal fighting law and prevent a convicted animal abuser from getting the
animal back. 

: Thompson rarely supported animal protection issues in the U.S.
Senate, but his highest score was 50 percent on the Humane
. On the positive side,
he voted to eliminate a $2 million subsidy for the
mink industry
. On the negative
side, he voted to continue spending tax dollars to allow the use of two particularly inhumane
—steel-jawed leghold traps
and wire neck snares—for commercial and recreational trapping on National
Wildlife Refuges. And he opposed an amendment to protect dolphins from drowning in tuna fishing nets.