Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Returns continue to come in for the U.S. Senate races. HSLF-backed Republican incumbent Susan Collins has won reelection in Maine. She is a great friend of animals, a cosponsor of a raft of humane bills, and a lead author of the resolution calling on Canada to stop its annual slaughter of hundreds of thousands of baby harp seals on the Atlantic coast. We are proud to have endorsed her, and congratulate her on the win.

In the open Senate seat in New Mexico, HSLF-backed Democrat Tom Udall has been declared the victor over enemy of animal welfare Steve Pearce. Udall has been a strong supporter of animal protection legislation in the House of Representatives, and a leader on conservation efforts. With Udall, Warner, and Shaheen coming into the Senate, we have picked up some great new allies of animal protection.

There is much news to celebrate for animals tonight, but sadly not all of the outcomes have gone our way. Republican incumbent Elizabeth Dole, another great advocate for animal welfare who was endorsed by HSLF, has lost her hard-fought battle for reelection. She brings her dog Leader to her Senate office, and she herself has been a leader in working to secure increased funding for adequate enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act, the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act, and other animal protection laws. We will be sad to see her leave the Senate, and we are grateful for all her work to protect animals from cruelty and abuse.