The presidential campaign is in full swing, and animal lovers have surely noticed there is more talk about dogs than in previous elections: Mitt Romney’s family vacation in the 1980s in which Seamus, the Irish setter, became sick during a 12-hour trip on the roof of a station wagon; and Barack Obama’s writing that, as a child, living with his stepfather in Indonesia, he once ate dog meat. Democrats have formed “Dogs Against Romney,” while Republicans have started the Twitter meme #ObamaDogRecipes.
It’s surely good fodder for Saturday Night Live and the White House correspondents’ dinner, and for partisan barbs back and forth, but what does it really tell us about the candidates? Rather than focus on isolated incidents that occurred 30 or 40 years ago, we should be talking about national policy issues that affect dogs today. There’s so much for these candidates to address, and it would be telling for them to concentrate some of their dog talk on these issues.
Through the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the National Institutes of Health, and other federal agencies, the president has enormous influence over animal welfare issues that impact millions of dogs, and billions of other animals, in our country. Here are some of the dog protection issues the candidates should be talking about, if they really want to appeal to animal lovers:
Puppy Mills: Millions of dogs are confined in small wire cages, breeding litter after litter, often with no exercise, veterinary care, socialization, or human companionship. The USDA has just proposed a draft rule to close a loophole in the federal Animal Welfare Act regulations, and ensure that Internet puppy mill sellers are licensed and inspected for basic animal care standards. Kudos to the Obama administration for proposing it. The White House should finalize it in July (when the comment period ends), and Romney should embrace it and also tell voters how he plans to combat the puppy mill problem.
Dogfighting: Forcing dogs to fight to the death for entertainment and gambling is a violation of federal and state laws, but there are loopholes that allow these cruel spectacles to continue. Obama and Romney should endorse the Animal Fighting Spectator Prohibition Act in Congress to make it a federal crime to be a spectator at an animal fight, with felony penalties for bringing a child to the fight. It’s the spectators who finance the violence and the blood-letting with their admission fees and gambling wagers, and provide cover to dogfighters who blend into the crowd during law enforcement raids. The House bill has nearly 200 bipartisan cosponsors, so an endorsement from the presidential candidates requires no great profile in courage.
Class B Dealers: Pets stolen from backyards, fraudulently acquired through “free to a good home” ads, or acquired through animal shelters and other “random sources” are funneled into laboratory experiments by unscrupulous “Class B” dealers. The NIH has announced that beginning October 2012, grant recipients cannot use NIH funds to buy cats from Class B dealers, and by 2015, the same will be true for dogs. Only seven of these dealers licensed by USDA remain active in the country, down from hundreds in past decades. This is an important move by the Obama administration, and as with the puppy mill rule, Romney should laud this action and say he’s on board with it.
Service Dogs: For wounded warriors and disabled veterans, caring for a pet can help them re-enter society, offer a non-judgmental companion to reduce stress and depression, and provide routine. Service dogs can also let them know when it’s time to take medication, wake them from nightmares, or help ward off panic attacks. Such benefits can decrease the number of hospitalizations and lower the cost of care. The Department of Veterans Affairs should pair service dogs with veterans and include shelter dogs as part of the program, so that homeless dogs can be given a second chance. Obama and Romney should endorse the Veterans Dog Training Therapy Act and pledge to work with VA hospitals to provide this lifesaving therapy for soldiers as well as dogs.
Animal Welfare Funding: The president’s budget requests needed funding each year for the USDA to enforce the Animal Welfare Act and the federal animal fighting law, as well as other animal welfare laws on humane slaughter and horse protection, and programs to address the needs of animals in disasters and to ease a shortage of veterinarians in rural areas through student loan forgiveness. Despite a tough budget climate, a bipartisan group of 35 senators and 150 representatives lent their support this year for animal welfare enforcement dollars to be allocated in Fiscal Year 2013. Obama and Romney should pledge to seek adequate support for animal welfare enforcement.
With these federal polices, and more, the lives of millions of dogs and other animals are at stake. In addition to pets, the president and the federal agencies oversee rules impacting wildlife, animals in research, and farm animals on a major scale. It’s time for the presidential candidates to weigh in, not just on the personal anecdotes, but also on their animal welfare policies.