Since U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., was named Mitt Romney’s vice-presidential running mate a couple weeks ago, his background and policy positions are now subject to an extraordinary degree of scrutiny. While it’s been widely reported that Ryan is an avid bowhunter and a previous co-chairman of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus, not much has been said about his other animal welfare positions.
The Humane Society Legislative Fund has not yet made any recommendation in the presidential race, but will provide more information on the candidates between now and Election Day. Here’s a snapshot of Ryan’s record on animal protection legislation during his seven terms in Congress.
On the positive side, he has cosponsored bills in several sessions of Congress to strengthen the federal penalties for illegal dogfighting and cockfighting, making it a felony to transport animals across state lines for these gruesome and barbaric fights, and to ban the commerce in “crush videos” showing the intentional torture of puppies, kittens and other live animals for the sexual titillation of viewers.
He has also voted in favor of a number of animal protection measures on the House floor, including legislation to fund conservation programs for imperiled crane populations in the U.S. (including in his home state of Wisconsin) and around the world; to require state and local authorities to consider the needs of people with pets and service animals in disaster planning; to prohibit interstate commerce of tigers, lions and other big cats for the exotic pet trade; to provide funds to improve enforcement of the federal animal fighting law; and to boost conservation funding and protect wildlife habitat.
As a deficit hawk, Ryan has also supported some efforts to cut spending on profligate programs that harm animals. He has voted to cap agriculture subsidies and limit huge taxpayer giveaways to factory farms; to bar tax dollars from being used to allow commercial and recreational trapping with steel-jawed leghold traps on national wildlife refuges; and to cut funding for the USDA’s Wildlife Services program which uses traps, poisons and other inhumane methods of killing predators as a subsidy for private livestock ranchers.
His inclination to cut funds, however, has not been consistent on animal welfare issues. Although he voted to cut millions of dollars in wasteful spending on lethal predator control in 1999 and 2000, Ryan later opposed a similar cost-saving measure in 2011. He also voted to allow the use of federal tax dollars to kill Yellowstone bison; to allow the trophy hunting of bears using piles of bait on federal lands; to process meat from downed livestock too sick or injured to walk on their own; to permit the import of sport-hunted polar bear trophies from Canada; and to facilitate the slaughter of American horses for human consumption in France and Belgium where horsemeat is considered a delicacy.
Ryan has opposed a number of common-sense animal protection policies over the years. He has voted to weaken the Endangered Species Act by preventing the listing of any new species or designation of critical habitat; to allow the interstate commerce in primates for the exotic pet trade; to allow the carrying of loaded firearms in national parks; to allow the commercial sale and slaughter of wild horses and burros; to prevent the collection of greenhouse gas emissions data from factory farms; to allow the use of dolphin-deadly tuna fishing nets; and to allow oil and gas drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge which is home to many wild animals. And he has voted against legislation to protect sea otters, marine turtles, and rare dog and cat species.
In short, Ryan’s record on animal welfare has been mixed. While he has supported some animal protection policies, he has opposed others, and has never exhibited leadership on the issues. His ratings on the annual Humane Scorecard have been 50 percent for the 106th Congress; 20 percent for the 108th Congress; 28 percent for the 109th Congress; 17 percent for the 110th Congress; 13 percent for the 111th Congress; and 13 percent for the first session of the 112th Congress. Those numbers are moving in the wrong direction, and that’s been a growing concern of ours.