Wednesday, October 31, 2012

In February, a photo of Dan Richards, president of the California Fish and Game Commission, began circulating on the Internet: Richards gleefully posed in a trophy picture with a dead mountain lion he had killed on a guided hound hunt in Idaho. Cougar hunting is legal in Idaho, but California voters banned the practice in 1990 and reaffirmed the prohibition with a second statewide vote in 1996. The picture and comments by Richards dismissing the wishes of voters offended a lot of Californians, and seemed especially callous and tone-deaf given that Richards was supposed to represent the values of Californians on wildlife protection issues.

Dan richards mountain lionThe grisly photo triggered a backlash that played out over weeks and months. In the end, Richards lost his post as president of the Fish and Game Commission, and the legislature passed AB 2609 to improve the transparency and accountability of the state agency. The biggest takeaway, however, was that the state legislature passed SB 1221 to ban the hound hunting of bears and bobcats.

This had long been unfinished business for the humane movement, as a number of states over the past decades have banned the unsporting and inhumane use of packs of radio-collared dogs to chase bears into trees, so that a trophy hunter can follow the radio signal on a handheld telemetry device and shoot the frightened animal at point-blank range off a tree branch. Richards’ photo put the hounding issue back into the public consciousness, and then HSLF and HSUS pushed it ahead in a tough battle in the legislature, with the NRA, U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance, and other hunting groups fighting it every step of the way.

PaulRyan_deer_t620Another photo now making the rounds on the Internet shows Republican vice-presidential nominee Paul Ryan, dressed in camouflage, posing with a buck he had killed while bowhunting in his home state of Wisconsin. While many presidential and vice-presidential candidates have hunted birds with shotguns, Ryan’s big-game bowhunting is unusual, and the typical archery magazine cover pose is “a very rare picture for a politician,” according to Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner. Ryan is an active bowhunter, and earned praise from the Archery Trade Association for his work in Congress to lower taxes on arrow manufacturers, reported Gregory J. Krieg of ABC News.

Ryan’s record on animal protection issues in Congress has been mixed, and while he has supported a number of anti-cruelty measures, he has usually sided with groups like the Safari Club and NRA on extreme practices such as bear baiting and polar bear trophy hunting. Another concern has emerged with Ryan’s bowhunting: Will it normalize the activity, making it seem entirely acceptable, when it involves high wounding rates and a lot of pain and suffering? Most hunters seek a quick and clean kill for the animal, with the use of modern firearms, but primitive weapons such as bows and arrows can leave many animals wounded and unretrieved, to die in the woods of blood loss, infection, or exposure to the elements.

Our nation has a real diversity of views on sport hunting. Many Americans support hunting if it’s done for food, and if it’s done in a way that minimizes pain and distress for the animal. On the other hand, most oppose killing wild animals just for trophies or pelts, and they don’t like particularly unfair hunting practices, like canned hunts, baiting, or hounding. The Dan Richards photo led to a discourse on wildlife management issues, and positive reforms for animals. Will there be any derivative of Paul Ryan’s bowhunting photo? Will it start a discussion about hunting methods and how humane they are? Does it make you less likely to support him knowing he uses this primitive hunting practice?