Some of the leading opponents of animal welfare in the U.S. House of Representatives may run for the U.S. Senate in 2014, where if elected they would ostensibly have more power to block common-sense animal protection policies. While Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, has not yet made a final announcement about whether he will seek the open seat vacated by five-term Sen. Tom Harkin (a great friend to animal welfare), we do know that Rep. Paul Broun, R-Ga., was the first to throw his hat in the ring to succeed two-term Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga.
Broun has one of the most extreme anti-animal voting records in the
Congress; time and again he opposes the most modest efforts to prevent
cruelty and abuse, and he goes out of his way to attack animal
protection. Although he is a medical doctor, he voted twice, in 2008 and 2009,
to allow the trade in monkeys, chimpanzees, and other primates as
exotic pets, which can injure children and adults and spread deadly
diseases such as tuberculosis and herpes-B virus. He voted to allow the
commercial sale and slaughter of wild horses and burros. Shockingly, he was one of only three lawmakers
to vote against legislation in 2010 to ban the trafficking in obscene
animal “crush” videos, in which scantily clad women in high heels crush
puppies, kittens, and other small animals to death for the sexual
titillation of viewers.
Before coming to Congress, Broun was a volunteer lobbyist for Safari Club International, an extremist trophy hunting group that advocates for the killing of threatened and endangered species around the globe and at canned hunts here at home. The organization’s PAC has given more than $15,000 to Broun since 2007, and he has been their point man in the House. His congressional office has so many dead, stuffed animals on display—including an African lion, a bear, and a Dall sheep—that Roll Call described it as “something between a zoo and a pet cemetery.” Broun recently told National Review about his international hunting exploits, saying that he dined on African lion meat: “The lion wasn’t particularly tasty. It was kind of chewy, but I ate it too.”
So it was with enthusiasm that he voted to allow wealthy American trophy hunters to import the heads and hides of threatened polar bears killed for sport in the Arctic, and he voted to allow the carrying of loaded firearms in national parks and open more national park units to sport hunting. Although he claims to be a conservationist, he voted against programs to support the conservation of marine turtles, Southern sea otters, imperiled crane populations, and rare dog and cat species such as wolves, leopards, and jaguars around the world. And he voted to weaken the Endangered Species Act and prevent the listing of imperiled species and designation of critical habitat. With this voting record, he doesn’t bear even a passing resemblance to a conservationist.
Although he claims to be a fiscal conservative, Broun votes to spend our tax dollars when they serve his own interests. He supported a $12 million package that would overturn key protections for threatened polar bears, expand sport hunting on federal lands, and prevent restrictions on toxic lead ammunition that poisons wildlife and the environment. And he voted to spend millions of tax dollars to kill predators with steel-jawed leghold traps, toxic poisons, and other inhumane methods, as a subsidy for private livestock ranchers.
Broun is certain to face a competitive Republican primary, and given his extremist views, he won’t get a pass in the general election from Democrats. HSLF will be exposing his record every step of the way, and we’ll keep you updated as the 2014 races begin to take shape, and as we take stock of what’s at stake for animal welfare.