Many consumers are surprised to learn that in the 21st century, lipstick, blush, and other cosmetics are still tested on animals. While many nations are phasing out animal tests for cosmetics, the issue still remains a real concern in significant consumer markets, including the United States. Now, members of Congress are taking action to move our country forward on an issue that has already been addressed by India, Israel, the 28 nations of the European Union, and the state of São Paolo, Brazil. U.S. Reps. Jim Moran, D-Va., and Michael Grimm, R-N.Y., have introduced H.R. 4148, the Humane Cosmetics Act, which seeks to prohibit animal testing for cosmetics manufactured or sold in the U.S.

In addition to animal protection groups like HSLF, The HSUS and HSI, the Humane Cosmetics Act is backed by a growing list of supporters within the cosmetics industry, including LUSH Fresh Handmade Cosmetics, Jack Black, Aubrey Organics, and Biao Skincare, as well as celebrities such as Jenna Dewan Tatum, star of Lifetime’s Witches of East End. These companies know that consumers want to make humane purchasing decisions with their dollars in the marketplace, and that an end to animal testing will not limit their ability to produce new and innovative cosmetics that are humane and safe.
The Food and Drug Administration has regulatory authority over cosmetics under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938. The law prohibits manufacturing and marketing of misbranded or adulterated cosmetics, such as those that might cause injury to consumers, and cosmetic companies are responsible for substantiating the safety of their products and ingredients before marketing. The act doesn’t stipulate how these products and ingredients should be tested, but companies typically rely on animal tests under guidance from the FDA. It’s pretty clear now that animal testing for these purposes is no longer necessary.
These tests are primarily conducted on rabbits, guinea pigs, rats and mice, and can be painful and lethal for the animals. For example, rabbits are restrained, and chemicals are poured into their eyes or rubbed onto their skin to evaluate eye and skin irritation; rats are force-fed or have substances applied to their skin (sometimes also by inhalation) to measure how much it takes to make them sick or kill them. It not only takes a toll on animals, but also is expensive for the industry to administer and doesn’t always yield the best results. New advanced technologies for predicting human safety that partially or fully replace animal tests have been developed and validated and are widely considered cheaper methods that produce real safety substantiation. These non-animal methods will only continue to improve with time, and new alternatives will be developed, while animal tests will come to be seen as increasingly inferior in comparison.
With good alternatives and innovation to make tests faster, cheaper, and more reliable, every responsible corporate citizen should want to move in this direction and embrace the humane economy. The Humane Cosmetics Act would drive this innovation forward by phasing out animal tests for cosmetics and the sale of cosmetics that involved animal testing. Please contact your U.S. Representative today and urge him or her to cosponsor this important bill.