The Senate Commerce Committee today approved, by a unanimous voice vote, S. 1406, the Prevent All Soring Tactics (PAST) Act. The bipartisan bill, introduced by Sens. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., and Mark Warner, D-Va., has 51 cosponsors and is now ready for consideration by the full Senate. Its companion, H.R. 1518, by Reps. Ed Whitfield, R-Ky., and Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., has 269 cosponsors in the House. We are grateful to all these leaders for their work to move the PAST Act forward, and to Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., and Ranking Member John Thune, R-S.D., and Senator Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., for their support in today’s committee markup.
For over half a century, Tennessee Walking Horses have been victims of the cruel practice of “soring”—where trainers burn chemicals into the horses’ legs or injure their hooves, causing pain and forcing a high-stepping show gait. It’s already a federal crime, as Congress passed the Horse Protection Act in 1970 to end it, but the 44-year-old law is too weak and desperately in need of a upgrade to deal with a faction of the industry intent on skirting the law. Some trainers have spent their careers “soring” horses, evading detection, and avoiding consequences. The stigma of soring is killing this breed. That’s why the American Horse Council, American Association of Equine Practitioners, American Veterinary Medical Association, all 50 state veterinary medical associations, and many major horse industry groups support the PAST Act to strengthen the law and stop these animal abusers.
Some segments of the horse soring crowd have tried to breed confusion in recent weeks, by having “competing” bills introduced by their allies, led by Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., and Sens. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn, and Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. But this Big Lick faction of the Tennessee Walking Horse world has had over 40 years to clean up their act and fix this problem. They haven’t done it. They’ve just gotten more sophisticated at inflicting pain on their horses, covering up the abuse, and working the political process to prevent anyone from getting in their way. The opponents of the PAST Act don’t represent the entire industry, but just those who are already breaking federal law, cheating to win prizes, committing terrible acts of cruelty and profiting from it.
They claim that horse soring is an exceedingly small problem and they have it all under control with their industry self-policing, trotting out various numbers to portray a high rate of compliance with the Horse Protection Act. But they’ve cooked those numbers using deeply flawed methodology. First, they count only violations found by their own inspectors—not those found by USDA when it does spot inspections. The USDA Office of Inspector General made clear in a 2010 audit that there’s a huge discrepancy between the rate of violations identified by the industry-selected inspectors and those by USDA inspectors, and the industry-selected inspectors are grossly undercounting violations due to conflicts of interest. According to the agency, 85 percent of the violations cited in 2013 were found at the small number of shows (around 20 percent) that USDA attended. Second, they mix in horses of all classes, instead of discussing the compliance rate among the horses actually affected by the PAST Act—the Big Lick horses. Big Lick horses account for the overwhelming majority of violations—according to USDA, they made up 94.2 percent of all violations in 2013 and 74 percent of horses randomly tested at shows attended by USDA during 2010-2013 had been treated with soring or numbing agents.
These “competing” bills were designed simply to impede the reforms recommended by the OIG audit and incorporated into the PAST Act. They would codify the status quo of industry self-policing, actually making it worse by strengthening the hand of the bad actors who need oversight. They won’t do anything to eliminate the use of devices that the veterinary community has said are absolutely integral to the practice of soring. And they won’t strengthen penalties to provide a meaningful deterrent.
As the Chattanooga Times Free Press said in an editorial, these alternative bills represent “a thinly disguised repeat of what hasn't been working to stop the abuse for decades” and are “serving to slow support for a new day and the cleaner, kinder display of a beautiful Tennessee icon.” Tell your members of Congress to pass the PAST Act to finally bring an end to the indefensible cruelty of soring.