We’re just over a third of the way through 2014, and 42 new animal protection laws have already been enacted this year in the states. It continues the surge in policymaking at the state level, and in total, it makes more than 900 new policies in the states since 2005, across a broad range of subjects bearing upon the lives of pets, wildlife, animals in research and testing, and farm animals. That is tremendous forward progress, closing the gaps in the legal framework for animals, and ushering in new standards in society for how animals are treated. I’d like to recap what I view as the top 10 state victories for animals so far in 2014.
Photo by The HSUS/Alex Gallardo
FELONY CRUELTY: South Dakota became the 50th state with felony penalties for malicious animal cruelty. In the mid-1980s only four states had such laws, and it has long been a priority goal for The HSUS and HSLF to have felony cruelty statutes in all 50 states. With South Dakota’s action, our entire nation now treats animal abuse as more than just a slap on the wrist. The bill also made South Dakota the 41st state with felony cockfighting penalties, leaving only nine states with weak misdemeanor statutes for staged animal combat.
EXOTIC PETS: West Virginia became the 45th state to restrict the private ownership of dangerous exotic animals such as big cats, primates, bears, wolves, and large constricting and venomous snakes. The new policy is a major step forward for animal welfare and public safety, and leaves just five states with virtually no restrictions on reckless individuals who keep dangerous predators in their bedrooms and basements and threaten the safety of the animals as well as the community at large.
FOX PENNING: Virginia passed legislation restricting cruel fox pens—staged competitions where wild-caught foxes are trapped and stocked inside fenced enclosures to be chased down by packs of dogs. Lawmakers reached a compromise to phase out existing pens and prohibit new ones from opening, setting the stage for an eventual end to this sick type of animal fighting between dogs and foxes.
BREED DISCRIMINATION: After the Maryland Court of Appeals ruled in 2012 that pit bulls were “inherently dangerous,” it ushered in a disgraceful era of canine profiling in which families with pit bull-type dogs were forced to choose between their homes and their beloved pets. It took the Maryland legislature two years, but they finally passed legislation to address the problem, agreeing that public safety is best served by holding dog owners equally liable if their dog injures someone, regardless of the dog’s breed. Additionally, Utah passed a bill that prohibits any local government in the state from enacting breed-discriminatory legislation.
VEAL CRATES: The Kentucky Livestock Care Standards Commission was established to consider rules on animals in agriculture, and the panel decided to ban veal crates by 2018, making Kentucky the eighth state to end the cruel confinement of veal calves in small crates where they can’t turn around. While this is welcome progress, the commission unfortunately punted on other important issues such as gestation crates for breeding pigs and tail docking of dairy cows.
ATTACK OF THE DRONES: After news that a hunter in Alaska used a remote-controlled drone to locate and kill a moose, wildlife officials in Alaska, Colorado, and Montana acted swiftly to ban drone hunting of wildlife, joining Idaho and Wisconsin which had existing statutes. Other states should follow suit before this unsporting idea of using drones to locate and chase down animals catches on.
Rescued tiger at Black Beauty Ranch
GREYHOUND RACING: Colorado banned greyhound racing, which hasn’t been active in the state since 2008, while Arizona passed legislation to require reporting of greyhound injuries at Tucson Greyhound Park, where a dog died in March after bumping an electrified inside rail. Iowa lawmakers passed a compromise bill, which is now on Gov. Branstad’s desk, to end or reduce greyhound racing at certain tracks, eliminate slot machine subsidies for dog racing, and set up a retirement fund for greyhound breeders.
PET PROTECTIVE ORDERS: Iowa and Virginia both passed legislation to strengthen their states’ protections for victims of domestic violence and their beloved family pets. The bills allow pets to be included in protective orders, helping to ensure that abusers do not succeed in controlling, manipulating, or keeping the human victims of their cruelty and violence in dangerous situations by threatening their pets with harm.
PUPPY MILLS: Connecticut and Virginia strengthened laws to protect dogs from abuse in large-scale commercial puppy mills. “Bailey’s Law” in Virginia—named for a beagle puppy suffering from respiratory and intestinal infections after she was unknowingly purchased from a puppy mill—requires that pet stores must inform consumers about the sources of their dogs. The Connecticut bill, now on Gov. Malloy’s desk, would prohibit pet stores from purchasing dogs or cats from breeders with certain Animal Welfare Act violations.
BESTIALITY: Alabama passed legislation banning the sexual abuse of animals. It was previously one of 14 states with no laws on the books prohibiting bestiality.
With many state legislative sessions still in progress, we hope to build substantially on these numbers in our effort to fortify the legal framework for animals.