Two-thirds of American households have pets. They are cherished members of our families, with 83 million dogs and 96 million cats living with us. We trust that the food we buy for them is safe and nutritious, and will contribute to their long and healthy lives as beloved family members. But in recent years, consumer confidence has been shaken, with a series of recalls of pet food and treats. Thousands of dogs and cats were sickened or died when melamine, a chemical used to make plastics, was found in several brands of pet food.
Kevin Wolf/AP Images for HSI
Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration took action to address the threat of adulterated pet foods, and released a final rule to ensure protective measures are put in place for the safety of the food we give our pets. This is especially significant because until now, requirements governing pet food safety have been almost non-existent.
The new rule calls for manufacturers of pet food, including importers, to establish protective procedures at critical points in the production process where problems are likely to arise. Makers of animal food sold in the U.S. will be required to ensure prudent measures are in place to keep pet food free of contaminants and hazardous materials. The rule also requires written plans to prevent food-borne illnesses, like Salmonella, and shifts the focus from responding to food contamination to preventing it.
This rule has been a long time in the making with key Members of Congress demanding greater oversight of the pet food industry. Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill., and, Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., led the charge by introducing the Human and Pet Food Safety Act. Key elements of their bill were incorporated into an FDA package signed into law in September 2007, which required the agency to set standards for pet food, strengthen labeling rules, establish an early warning system, post searchable online recall lists and compel companies to report contaminated food and make key records available during investigations so contaminants can be traced quickly.
The momentum continued forward in December 2010 when Congress enacted the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), a sweeping reform to better protect human and animal health by preventing food safety problems before they occur. The FDA then set to work writing seven new comprehensive rules to implement the many components of FSMA, and this new one that regulates food made for animals was part of that process. We commend the agency for its efforts to better protect the food we give our beloved pets.
When it comes to pet food safety, a preventive approach is the best approach. But up until now, business as usual wasn’t cutting it to avoid these outbreaks. For instance, as of September 2014, the FDA had received around 5,000 reports of pet illnesses apparently related to the consumption of jerky-style pet treats. While the FDA continues to investigate these illnesses, it has not definitively identified the precise cause.
While this rule will likely not prevent all outbreaks of illness and food recalls, it is a much-needed first step to ensure that there are safety protocols in place from the start in the manufacturing process of pet food. Manufacturers will be charged with assessing and tracking risks that could threaten our pets, which will shorten the time from outbreak to solution in the future and should keep issues from occurring in the first place.
The FDA also has been granted much-needed mandatory recall authority under FSMA, whereas before, food recalls could only be done on a voluntary basis by food companies. Since September of last year, the agency has reported 36 recalls on pet food and treats, which have protected countless pets from becoming sick. Some of these recalls were taken at the request of the FDA, while most of the recalls occurred voluntarily by the pet food companies.
Our hope is with the implementation of this new rule, we will see fewer outbreaks and recalls. But remember that the best protection for our pets will come from watchful pet owners. The HSUS has the latest and most up-to-date recall information on its pet food safety webpage, as well as tips for pet owners on how to best protect your cherished companions.