Animals in Research, Action Alerts  /  

We’re calling on the FDA to save animals by modernizing drug testing

By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block

Pets & Cruelty, In the News  /  

The truth Gov. Noem’s puppy-killing scandal reveals about us all

By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block

Pets & Cruelty, Wildlife, State Legislation  /  

Hoosiers, it’s time to hold legislators accountable

The Indiana Humane Scorecard is available for the first time this year, offering a new resource for Indiana voters whose compassion for animals influences which political candidates they support. Holding legislators accountable on animal-welfare issues is critical as we strive to make our voices louder than those who hurt animals for sport or profit.

By uniting behind candidates who understand what is at stake, we can better fight animal cruelty in all forms.

Farm Animals, Federal Legislation  /  

Help stop ‘fix’ in Farm Bill that would undercut strongest farm animal welfare law in U.S.

By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block

Pets & Cruelty  /  

What you need to know about new dog import rule that bans puppies coming into the U.S.

By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block

Animals in Research, In the News  /  

Chimps await sanctuary, while NIH still refuses to move them despite judge’s ruling

By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block

Despite a recent court ruling and the animal welfare benefits of sanctuary retirement, media reports indicate the National Institutes of Health is still refusing to allow 26 chimpanzees warehoused in a government laboratory in New Mexico to spend the rest of their lives at Chimp Haven. These chimps have been at this government facility since at least 2001.

Wildlife, Federal Legislation  /  

Congressional hostiles seek to “endanger” wildlife further still

Leave it to a chamber of Congress that in too many respects has lost its way on wildlife to embrace a full-scale assault on gray wolves in the immediate aftermath of one of the most sadistic acts of cruelty ever committed against a wild animal―a female gray wolf yearling―in the nation’s history.

Pets & Cruelty, Federal Legislation  /  

Breaking: ‘Horrible Hundred’ report exposes American Kennel Club as complicit in puppy mills

By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block

Wildlife, Federal Legislation, In the News, State Legislation  /  

Elephant’s brief escape from circus in Montana underscores the urgency to end animal acts

By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block

Animals in Research, Wildlife, Federal Legislation  /  

Our fight against expanded use of monkeys in research heats up

By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block

We’re pushing back hard against plans to fund expanded reliance on monkeys in experiments in the U.S., plans that would see even more of these intelligent, curious animals used in outdated and unreliable tests, often at taxpayer expense.

Instead, we’ve advocated for broader investments in technologically-advanced methods that don’t use live animals and can tell us more about how the human body works—instead of attempting to translate the results of animal experiments to humans.

Wildlife, In the News  /  

Horrific wolf killing in Wyoming shows urgent need for increased protections

By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block